How to configure User Provisioning with Microsoft Entra ID?

In case you would like to configure User Provisioning via Microsoft Entra ID, please follow the following steps: 

  1. Log in to Microsoft Entra ID as Admin User
  2. Go to “Entra Active Directory” > “App registrations”
  3. Click on “All Applications”, search for “Radancy’s Employee Referrals” and click on it
  4. Go to “API permissions” > “Microsoft Graph” > ”Application permissions”
  5. Search for “User” and click to expand it
  6. Click the checkbox “User.Read.All”
  7. Click on “Add permission”
  8. Go back to “Home” and click on “Enterprise Applications”
  9. Click on “Radancy’s Employee Referrals”
  10. Click on “Permissions” on the left panel
  11. Click on the blue field “Grant admin consent for Default Directory”
  12. Choose user and accept
  13. Go back to “Home” and click on “Entra Active Directory”
  14. Click on “Radancy’s Employee Referrals”
  15. Click on “Certificates & secrets” on the left panel
  16. Add new client secret
  17. Write “Radancy’s Employee Referrals” in the description and choose 12 months
  18. Click on “Add”
  19. Copy Value and send it to Radancy

Please send to your Contact Person at Radancy:

  • Tenant ID
  • Application ID
  • Secret (value from point 19.)
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