To create and manage your reward plans, go to Account Preferences > Reward Plans.
To add a new reward plan, click on the "+ Add reward plan" button.
In the pop-up window, you create a new reward by adding the Reward Plan Name (which is visible for the Talent Scout). Click "Add" to save.
If you need to change the reward plan name, click on the pen next to the title at the top of the page.
Reward Plan Currency
Select a currency that applies to the whole Reward Plan.
Please note: it is possible to choose just one currency per Reward Plan.
Reward Details
Within a Reward Plan, you can have several rewards with different payment dates. A reward can be a combination of a cash payout and coins (read more about coins as a reward)
- Click "+ reward"
- Add the Reward Name to describe the reward (visible to Talent Scouts). If you are paying out the reward at once (no staggered payment), the reward name can be the same as the reward plan.
- Select a segment (if applicable).
- You can choose when to pay out the reward from the picklist Date of payment.
- The field Internal Value is only visible to Admins and in reports to help you calculate your costs.
- You can activate the Auto-approval function if the reward should be automatically approved, without the eligibility check done by the Recruiter responsible for the job (read more about it here).
Once you have set up the reward plan, click "Save changes" to save your Reward Plan.
Please note! When updating an existing reward (value field, manual to auto-approval, or vice versa), the changes will not affect rewards that are currently due. The changes will be effective for upcoming rewards.
Assigning a Reward Plan to a Specific Job
While publishing a job on Referrals, the Reward field is required for publication. For each job, you have the chance to choose an option via the drop-down menu, where all the plans you previously created are available. See here how to create a job.
In case of integration with your Applicant Tracking System, the selection of the applicable reward plan is done in your Applicant Tracking System when creating the job requisition.
Please note: Different jobs can have the same reward plan, but a job can have just one reward plan.