
My job is published in my ATS but is not available in Employee Referrals - why?

Please check if the job was sent to "Drafts" and check which of the required fields is missing.

If the Location or Department is missing, reach out to your admins to make sure the fields are part of the list of values uploaded in Employee Referrals.

If the Contact Person (recruiter) field is empty, please make sure the responsible recruiter is registered to Employee Referrals. If not, please them to register and assign the job to them manually.

If the Reward field is missing, check that the reward plan has the same name in your ATS and in your Reward Plan.

If the job is not listed in "Draft", please make sure you ticked the channel in your ATS that publishes jobs to Employee Referrals.

What can I do if my job doesn't get published automatically and ends up in draft?
Please do not edit the location and department or the reference number of a job in the draft folder, otherwise, the integration will try to publish it again. Please inform your Admin to add the missing fields to the Account Preferences.
If the reward or the contact person is missing, you can add it and manually publish the job. 
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